1. M. Bellare, R. Canetti AND H. Krawczyk, “Pseudorandom functions revisited: The cascade construction and its concrete security,” Proceedings of the 37th Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, IEEE, 1996.
2. M. Bellare, A. Desai, E. Jokipii AND P. Rogaway, “A concrete security treatment of symmetric encryption,” Proceedings of the 38th Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, IEEE, 1997.
3. Lect Notes Comput Sci;M. Bellare,1998
4. Lect Notes Comput Sci;M. Bellare,1994
5. M. Bellare AND C. Namprempre, “Authenticated encryption: Relations among notions and analysis of the generic composition paradigm,” Report 2000/025, Cryptology ePrint Archive, http://eprint.iacr.org/ , May 2000.