1. N. Asokan, Victor Shoup and Michael Waidner, “Asynchronous Protocols for Optimistic Fair Exchange”, IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 1998, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998. Corrected version available at http://www.zurich.ibm.com/Technology/Security/publications/1998/ASW98.ps.gz .
2. Holger Bürk and Andreas Pfitzmann, “Value Exchange Systems Enabling Security and Observability”, Computers and Security, 9, 8, pp.715–721, 1991.
3. Josep Lluís Gomila, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger, “An Efficient Asynchronous Protocol for Optimistic Certified Electronic Mail”, CRYPTEC’99 Proceedings, City University of Hong Kong Press, 1999, pp.147–154.
4. Dan Hazel, Paul Strooper and Owen Traynor, “Possum: An animator for the Sum specification language”, Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference and International Computer Science Conference, IEEE Computer Society, 1997, pp.42–51.
5. Catherine Meadows,“Open Issues in Formal Methods for Cryptogra-phic Protocol Analysis”, Proceedings of DISCEX 2000, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 237–250, January, 2000. Also available at http://chacs.nrl.navy.mil/publications/CHACS/2000/2000meadowsdiscex.ps .