1. A. B. Benitez and J. R. Smith, “New Frontiers for Intelligent System”, Proceeding of the IS&T/SPIE 2001 Conference on Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases, Vol. 4315, San Jose, CA, Jan.24–26, 2001
2. A. Jaimes and S.-F. Chang, Concepts and Techniques for Indexing Visual Semantics, Book Chapter in “ Image Databases, Search and Retrieval of Digital Imagery”, edited by V. Cas-telli and L. Bergman.
3. A. B. Benitez, S.-F. Chang, and J. R. Smith, IMKA: A Multimedia Organization System Combining Perceptual and Semantic Knowledge, Proceeding of the 9th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM-2001), Canada, Ottawa, Sep 30-Oct 5, 2001
4. C. Jorgensen, A. Jaimes, A. B. Benitez, and S.-F. Chang, A Conceptual Framework and Research for Classifying Visual Descriptors, Journal of the American Society for Information Science (JASIS), Invited Paper on Special Issue on Image Access: Bridging Multiple Needs and Multiple Perspectives, Sep 2001.
5. Robert MacGregor & Ramesh S. Patil, Tools for Assembling and Managing Scalable Knowledge Bases, CA 90292