1. Emergent Computation. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual International Conference of the Center for Nonlinear Studies on Self-organizing, Collective, and Cooperative Phenomena in Natural and Artificial Computing Networks. A special issue of Physica D. Stephanie Forrest (Ed.), 1990.
2. Collected Abstracts for the First International Workshop on Learning Classifier System (IWLCS92), 1992. October 6–8, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas.
3. Proceedings of the 2000 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC00). IEEE Press, 2000.
4. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Learning Classifier Systems (IWLCS-2000), in the Joint Workshops of SAB 2000 and PPSN 2000, 2000. Pier Luca Lanzi, Wolfgang Stolzmann and Stewart W. Wilson (workshop organisers).
5. Jose L. Aguilar and Mariela Cerrada. Reliability-Centered Maintenance Methodology-Based Fuzzy Classifier System Design for Fault Tolerance. In Koza et al. [345], page 621. One page paper.