1. Bajema, R.W. 1995. Measurement and analysis of impact related failure in potato tuber tissue. Ph.D. Dissertation. College of Engineering and Agriculture, Washington State University, Pullman, WA. December.
2. Bajema, R.W., A.L. Baritelle, and G.M. Hyde. 1996. Comprehensive evaluation of potato tuber impact sensitivity. Paper No. 96-6006, Presented at the 1996 summer meeting of ASAE: Phoenix, AZ, July.
3. Bajema, Rick W. and G.M. Hyde. 1998. Instrumented Pendulum for Impact Characterization of Whole Fruit and Vegetable Specimens. Trans. of the ASAE 41(5): 1399–1405.
4. Baritelle, A.L. and G.M. Hyde. 1997. A comparison of the impact sensitivity of eight potato tuber cultivars. Presented at the 1997 Washington State Potato Conference, Varietal Seminar. Moses Lake, WA. February.
5. Baritelle, A.L. 1997. Physical properties and factors affecting the impact sensitivity of potato tubers. M.S. Thesis. College of Engineering and Agriculture, Washington State University, Pullman, WA. April.