Influence of Mesh Design and Surface Treatments on Particle Transport and Fate in a Vibration-Enhanced Flooded Bed Dust Scrubber


Uluer Mahmud EsadORCID,Noble Aaron


AbstractRespirable coal mine dust (RCMD) is one of the biggest occupational health hazards for underground coal miners. Dusty mining environments can cause long-term health problems, including pneumoconiosis and progressive massive fibrosis. The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) has recently revised regulations promoting enhanced dust mitigation technologies, which have sparked renewed interest in the development of dust mitigation technologies. The flooded bed dust scrubber (FBS) is one of the most widely used technologies; however, it is limited by technical challenges, the most notable being the potential to clog. Recent studies have shown that applying vibration to filter mesh can improve the overall efficiency of the scrubber and that the system can be readily integrated to existing continuous mining equipment using an energy harvesting approach. In this follow-up study, the impact of mesh design and surface modification on system efficiency was examined using different vibrating liquid-coated stainless-steel mesh panels in a laboratory-scale FBS. Based on the two-way interaction data from a multi-factor experimental design, the results show that the performance of the system can be optimized by using hydrophilic 20- or 30-layer filters and by excitation frequencies between 67 and 134 Hz. This laboratory study suggests that a 20-layer mesh screen with hydrophilic surface applications and optimized vibration parameters can perform similar to that of a 30-layer static mesh, which is typically used in industrial units.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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