1. K. LAMBECK and E. M. GAPOSCHKIN: Geodetic parameters for a Standard Earth, Smithsonian Astrophys. Obs. Spec. Repo. 315, 1970. Also inJourn. Geophys. Res. (in press).
2. I. FISCHER, M. SLUTSKY, R. SHIRLEY, and P. WYATT: Geoid charts of North and Central America, Army Map Service Tech. Rept. 62, 1967.
3. L. G. SIMMONS: How accurate is first-order triangulation, The Journal, Coast and Geodetic Survey, 3, 53–56, 1950.
4. D. A. RICE: A geoidal section in the United States, Bull. Géod., 65, 243–251, 1962.
5. D. A. RICE: The development of geoidal sections in the Central United States, inAus der Geodätischen Lehren Forschung, Festschrift-Walter Grossman, Stuttgart, 28–35, 1967.