1. Bartholow JM (1989) Stream temperature investigations: field and analytic methods. In stream flow information paper: No. 13. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Fort Collins, CO
2. Braley, S (2008) Dealing with temperature listings on the 303(d) list: is there a better way? Water Quality Program, Washington Department of Ecology, Olympia. http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/swqs/reference_files/WEFManuscriptSession9a-2.pdf
3. Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (2011) Temperature criteria methodology policy statement 06-1. Water Quality Control Commission, Denver, CO. http://www.colorado.gov/cs/Satellite/CDPHEWQCC/CBON/1251590854258
4. Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (2013) Regulation No. 31: the basic standards and methodologies for surface water. Water Quality Control Commission, Denver, CO. http://www.colorado.gov/cs/Satellite/CDPHEWQCC/CBON/1251590854248
5. Colorado Water Conservation Board (2010) Colorado’s water supply future: state of Colorado 2050 municipal and industrial water use projections. Prepared for the Colorado water conservation board by Camp, Dresser, and McKee, Inc., and Harvey Economics. Denver, CO