1. S. Ambroszkiewicz, W. Penczek, and T. Nowak. (2000) “Towards Formal Specification and Verifications of Generic Cyberspace Infrastructure for Agents.” In Proc. The first Goddard Workshop on Formal Approaches to Agent-Based Systems, 6th-7th April 2000, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA
2. S. Ambroszkiewicz, O. Matyja, and W. Penczek. (1998) “Team Formation by Self-Interested Mobile Agents.” In Proc$14-th Australian DAI-Workshop, Brisbane, Australia, July 13, 1998. Published in Springer LNAI 1544. http://www.ipipan.waw.pl/mas/
3. S. Ambroszkiewicz, K. Cetnarowicz, O. Matyja, and B. Radko. (1998) “Modeling Virtual Enterprise: agent-based approach.” In Proc. Multi Agent Systems Models Architecture and Applications. F. J. Garijo, and Ch. Lemaitre (Eds.), II Iberoamerican Workshop on D.A.I and M.A.S., October 1–2 1998 Toledo, Spain.
4. S. Ambroszkiewicz. (1999) “Agent Virtual Organizations within the Framework of Network Computing: a case study.” In Proc. CEEMAS’99, The First International Workshop of Central and Eastern Europe on Multi-agent Systems, May 30, June 2, 1999, St. Petersburg, Russia.
5. S. Bylka, S. Ambroszkiewicz, and J. Komar. Discrete Time Dynamic Game Model for Price Competition in an Oligopoly. To appear in Annals of Operation Research 1999.