1. American Ornithologists Union. 1957. Check List of North American Birds. American Ornithologist Union. 691 pp.
2. Brenner, F. J. 1973. Evaluation of abandoned strip mines as fish and wildlife habitats.Trans. N.E. Wildlife Conf. 30:205–229.
3. Brenner, F. J. 1974. Ecology and productivity of strip mine areas in Mercer County, Pennsylvania. Research Technical Completion Report A-029-PA. Institute for Research on Land and Water Resources. The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. 70 pp.
4. Brenner, F. J. 1978a. Evaluation of factors promoting the preservation of aquatic systems in reclaimed strip mine areas. Research Technical Completion Report A-044-PA. Institute for Research on Land and Water Resources. The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. 62 pp.
5. Brenner, F. J. 1978b. Food and cover evaluation of strip mine plants as related to wildlife management. Pages 294–305in D. E. Samuel, J. R. Stauffer, C. H. Hocutt, and W. T. Mason, Jr. (eds.) Proceed. Symposium on Surface Mining and Fish/ Wildlife Needs in the eastern United States. OBS/FWS 386 pp.