1. R. M. Lewis, Electromagnetic Wave Theory (Proceedings of Delft Symposium, Sept. 1965), Pt. II, Pergamon Press (1967), p. 845.
2. Yu. A. Kravtsov, The Geometric Optics Method and Its Generalization, Dissertation [in Russian], GGU, Gor'kii (1968).
3. L. A. Ostrovskii, Izv. VUZ, Radiofiz.,12, No. 9, 1335 (1969); Abstracts of Reports to the Xth All-Union Conference on Radiowave Propagation (Irkutsk, 1972) [in Russian], Sec. 1, Nauka, Moscow (1972), p. 334.
4. L. B. Felsen, IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, AP-19, No. 3, 424 (1971).
5. L. Levey and L. B. Felsen, Radio Sci.,4, No. 10, 959 (1969).