1. Alfred V. Aho, John E. Hopcroft and Jeffrey D. Ullman: Data Structures and Algorithms, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. 1983.
2. Selim G. Akl: Parallel Sorting Algorithms, Academic Press, Inc. 1985.
3. Anon. et al.: A Measure of Transaction Processing Power, Datamation, April 1985.
4. C. K. Baru, O. Frieder, D. Kandlur and M. Segal: Join on a Cube: Analysis, Simulation and Implementation, Fifth International Workshop on Database Machines, Karuizawa, 1987.
5. Bjørn Arild Wangenstein Baugstø: Parallelle Sorteringsmetoder for Store Datamengder i en Hyperkubisk Databasemaskin, Division of Computer Systems and Telematics, The Norwegian Institute of Technology, University of Trondheim, (diploma thesis, in Norwegian).