1. B.Buchberger, “Gröbner bases: an algorithmic method in polynomial ideal theory”, in N.K.Bose (ed.): Recent trends in multidimensional systems theory, D.Rheidel Publ. Comp., Chapter 6.
2. P.Gianni, B.Trager, G.Zacharias, “Gröbner bases and primary decomposition of polynomial ideals”, to appear in J.of Symb. Comp..
3. Kalkbrener, “Solving Systems of Algebraic Equations by using Gröbner Bases”, In this Volume.
4. D.Lazard, “Ideal Bases and Primary Decomposition: case of two variables”, J.of Symb. Comp., Vol.1, n.3, September '85.
5. W.Trinks, “Über B.Buchbergers Verfharen, Systeme algebraisher Gleichungen zu losen, J.of Number Theory 10,pp. 475–488.