1. B. W. Rosen and N. F. Dow, in ?Fracture? Vol. VII (ed. H. Liebowitz) (Academic Press, New York, 1972) p. 611.
2. A. S. Argon, in ?Treatise on Materials Science and Technology? Vol. I (ed. H. Herman) (Academic Press, New York, 1972) p. 79.
3. Idem, in ?Fatigue and Fracture of Composites? (eds. L. J. Broutman and R. H. Krock) (Academic Press, New York) in the press.
4. P. M. Scop and A. S. Argon, in ?Advanced Fibrous Composites? (Society of Aerospace Materials and Processing Engineers, San Diego, Calif., 1966) p. G-21.
5. Idem J. Comp. Mater. 1 (1967) 79.