1. L.M. Bregman, “The method of successive projection for finding a common point of convex sets”,Soviet Mathematics Doklady (transl.) 6 (1965) 688–692.
2. L.M. Bregman, “The relaxation method of finding the common point of convex sets and its application to the solution of problems in convex programming”,USSR Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics (transl.) 7 (1967) 200–217.
3. R. Chandrasekaran, “A special case of the complementary pivot problem”,Opsearch 7 (1970) 263–268.
4. R.W. Cottle, Private communication (April 8, 1975).
5. R.W. Cottle and R.S. Sacher, “On the solution of large, structured linear complementarity problems: I”, Tech. Rept. 73-4, Department of Operations Research, Stanford University (1973).