1. Proceedings of the 44th Annual World Magnesium Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 17?20 May 1987, International Magnesium Association McLean, VA, USA.
2. S. J. Swindlehurst andI. W. Hall, in ?Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advances in Cast Reinforced Metal Composites?, edited by S. G. Fishman and A. K. Dhingra (ASM International, Metals Park, Ohio, 1988) p. 281.
3. B. A. Mikucki, S. C. Shook, W. E. Mercer II andW. G. Green,Light Metal Age 44 (1986) 16.
4. L. Sturkey andJ. B. Clark,J. Inst. Metals 88 (1959?60) 177.
5. J. B. Clark,Acta Metall. 13 (1965) 1281.