1. W. Brus, “Kalecki's Economics of Socialism,”Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 39, February 1977.
2. M. Dobb,Theories of Value and Distribution Since Adam Smith, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1973.
3. N. Kaldor, “Capitalist Evolution in the Light of Keynesian Economics,”Essays on Economic Stability and Growth, N. Kaldor, ed., London: Duckworth, 1960.
4. M. Kalecki,Proba teorii koniunktury, Warsaw: Instytut Badania Koniunktur Gospodarczych i Cen, 1933.
5. _____, “The Mechanism of Business Upswing,”Selected Essays on the Dynamics of the Capitalist Economy 1933–1970, M. Kalecki, ed., Cambridge: University Press, 1971 [1935(a)].