1. Archives Of Maryland 1885 Volume VII. Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore.
2. Carr, Lois G. 1972 Garret van Sweringen—Biographical File. Ms. on file, Historic St. Mary’s City. St. Mary’s City, Maryland.
3. Carson, Cary, Norman F. Barka, William M. Kelso, Garry Wheeler Stone, and Dell Upton 1981 Impermanent Architecture in the Southern American Colonies. Winterthur Portfolio 16 (2 and 3): 135–96.
4. Doran, J. E., and F. R. Hodson 1975 Mathematics and Computers in Archaeology. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
5. Dougenik, James A., and David E. Shehan 1979 SYMAP User’s Reference Manual. Laboratory for Computer Graphics and Spatial Analysis, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.