1. ASTUDILLO JIMENEZ, COSME (AD National Deputy) 1980 June 21. Interview, Barcelona.
2. BALOYRA, ENRIQUE A. and JOHN D. MARTZ 1979 Political Attitudes in Venezuela: Societal Cleavages and Political Opinion. Austin: University of Texas Press.
3. BELMONTE GUZMAN, AMALIO; DIMITRI BRICENO REYES; and HENRY URBANO TAYLOR 1981 Ensayo sobre Historia Política de Venezuela (1917–1968). Caracas: Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia.
4. BETANCOURT, ROMULO 1959 Posición y doctrina. Caracas: Editorial Cordillera.
5. BILES, ROBERT E. 1978 “Political Participation in Urban Uruguay: Mixing Public and Private Ends.” In John A. Booth and Mitchell A. Seligson (eds.) Citizen and State: Political Participation in Latin America, vol. 1. New York: Holmes and Meir Publishers.