1. Trimpi, R. L. and N. B. Cohen, A theory for predicting the flow of real gases in shock tubes with experimental verification, NACA TN 3375, 1955.
2. Mirels, H., Attenuation in a shock tube due to unsteady boundary layer action, NACA Rept. 1333, 1957.
3. Dem'yanov, Y. A., The influence of the boundary layer on the character of the flow of gas in a tube behind a moving shock wave, R.A.E. Library Translation No. 796 1959.
4. Spence, D. A. and B. A. Woods, Boundary layer and combustion effects in shock tube flows, Proc. XI Symp. of the Colston Res. Soc. p. 153, Butterworths Sci. Pub. 1959.
5. Spence, D. A. and B. A. Woods, A review of theoretical treatments of shock tube attenuation, R.A.E. TN Aero 2899, 1963.