1. L. Onsager, L. Mittag, and M. J. Stephen, Integrals in the theory of electron correlations,Ann. Phys. (Leipzig)18:71–77 (1966); see especially footnote 4.
2. L. Onsager and M. Dupuis, The electrical properties of ice,Rendiconti S.I.F. (Suppl. Nuovo Cimento) Corso X 1960:294–315.
3. E. H. Lieb and F. Y. Wu, inPhase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Vol. 1 C. Domb and M. S. Green, eds. (Academic Press, London, 1972), pp. 321–490.
4. R. J. Baxter,Exactly Solved Models in Statistical Mechanics (Academic Press, London, 1982).
5. J. F. Nagle, Lattice statistics of hydrogen bonded crystals I. The residual entropy of ice,J. Math. Phys. 7:1484–1491 (1966).