1. Aune, F., R. Golombek, S. A. C. Kittelsen, K. E. Rosendahl and O. Wolfgang (2001a), LIBEMOD?a Technical Description. Working Paper from the Frisch Centre, 1/2001.
2. Aune, F., R. Golombek, S. A. C. Kittelsen and K. E. Rosendahl (2001b), Liberalising the Energy Markets of Western Europe?a Computable Equilibrium Model Approach. Working Paper from Department of Economics, University of Oslo, 14/2001.
3. Oil Exploration under Climate Treaties
4. Endogenous Substitution among Energy Resources and Global Warming
5. Unilateral CO2 Reductions and Carbon Leakage: The Consequences of International Trade in Oil and Basic Materials