1. APA. Diagnostic and statistical manual for mental disorders, 5th revision: DSM-5. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2013. The most recent edition of the influential diagnostic manual that sets the equivalent procedures world-wide to enable clinicians and researchers to work consistently and reliably.
2. Chen HF, Cohen ES. Social participation for children with developmental coordination disorder: conceptual, evaluation and intervention considerations. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr. 2003;23:61–78.
3. WHO. International classification of functioning, disability and health. Geneva: World Health Organisation; 2001.
4. Ecological approaches to cognition in sport and exercise. International Journal of Sport Psychology, Special Edition. 2012;40(1):1–226. This important special edition provides excellent summaries, debates about the various ecological positions. It notes their underlying philosophies, methodologies and examines the similarities and difference between various models and applies them to sport and exercise.
5. In International Encyclopedia of Education;U Bronfenbrenner,1994