Social Enterprises and Transition to Employment for People Labeled with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities


Babikian V. ArminehORCID,Hamdani YaniORCID


Azrieli Adult Neurodevelopmental Centre

Armenian Relief Society Eastern Lazarian Foundation

Armenian General Benevolent Union


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Psychiatry and Mental health,Developmental Neuroscience,Developmental and Educational Psychology

Reference32 articles.

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4. Meltzer A, Kayess R, Bates S. Perspectives of people with intellectual disability about open, sheltered and social enterprise employment. Soc Enterp J. 2018;14(2):225–44.

5. Almalky HA. Employment outcomes for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities: a literature review. Child Youth Serv Rev. 2020;109:104656. This article has a comprehensive literature review related to employment and IDD. It is one of the few articles that specifies outcomes for this population rather than disabled people more broadly, and specifies outcomes for different employment settings.

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