Scrotum shows multiple congenital anomalies which could be explained by embryological abnormalities in migration of labioscrotal swelling. Our case was a neonate who had an accessory scrotum in the pubic area at delivery which is a rare position. Ultrasound scan and voiding cystourethrography showed adequate capacity, shouldering and smooth outline with insignificant mild residual urine of bladder, and dilated posterior urethra. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a pubic accessory scrotum with thickened skin and subcutaneous tissue with no detectable internal contents or pelvic connection; however, pelvicalyceal system was dilated suggesting pelviureteric junction obstruction. Excision of accessory scrotum was discussed with parents but they refused. Ultrasound follow-up of the associated congenital hydronephrosis revealed improvement of hydronephosis.
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