1. Bersuker, I. B.: Nouv. J. Chim. 4, 139 (1980)
2. Bersuker, I. B.: Teor. Eksp. Khim. 16, 291 (1980)
3. Bersuker, I. B., Gorinchoi, N. N., Polinger, V. Z., In: Abstr. of the IV Congress in Quant. Chem., Uppsala, Sweden, 1982
4. Bersuker, I. B., Polinger, V. Z.: Vibronic interactions in molecules and crystals. Moskow, Nauka, 1983 (in Russian). See also Bersuker, I. B.: The Jahn-Teller effect and vibronic interactions in modern chemistry. New York: Plenum Press 1984
5. Pearson, R. G.: Symmetry rules for chemical reactions. New York: Wiley 1976