1. M. L. Biryukov and Ya. G. Livshits in the book, Works of the Scientific Research Laboratory for Experimental Therapy (Moscow, 1932), No. 1, pp. 127?134. Published in Russian.
2. S. S. Bryusova, Sovet. Nevropatol., Psikhiat., i Psikhogig. 1934, Nos. 2?3, pp. 29?41.
3. K. M. Bykov in the book, Materials on the Physiology of Receptors (Moscow. 1948), pp. 7?14. Published in Russian.
4. I. I. Dobrovolsky, Sovet. Psikhonevrol. 1937, No. 5, pp. 56?60.
5. I. N. Ishchenko in the book, Fifth Session of the Neurosurgical Conference (Moscow-Leningrad, 1940), pp. 71?76. Published in Russian.