1. D.P. Bertsekas, A unified framework for minimum cost network flow problems, LIDS Report LIDS-P-1245-A, M.I.T. (1982); also Math. Progr. 32(1985)125.
2. D.P. Bertsekas and P. Tseng, Relaxation methods for minimum cost — ordinary and generalized network flow problems, LIDS Report LIDS-P-1462, M.I.T. (1985); also Oper. Res. Journal, to appear.
3. L.R. Ford, Jr. and D.R. Fulkerson,Flows in Networks (Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1962).
4. D.P. Bertsekas, A new algorithm for the assignment problem, Math. Progr. 21(1982)152.
5. H.A. Aashtiani and T.L. Magnanti, Implementing primal-dual network flow algorithms, Oper. Res. Center Report 055-76, M.I.T. (1976).