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2. J.D. Edwards, F.C. Frary, and Z. Jeffries, Aluminum and Its Production, New York and London, 1930.
3. J.P. Dugois, “An Example of Power Saving Technology: The Auzat Pechiney Plant,” Light Metals, Vol. 1, TMS-AIME, New York, 1975, p. 3–9.
4. G.T. Holmes, “Development of Large Prebake Anode Cells by Alcoa,” Light Metals, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, Pennsylvania, 1980, p. 401–411.
5. W.E. Haupin, “Cathode Voltage Loss in Aluminum Smelting Cells,” Light Metals, Vol. 1, TMS-AIME, New York, 1975, p. 339–349.