1. C.G. Annis, J.J. Cargill, J.A. Harris, Jr., and M.C. VanWanderham, “Engine Component Retirement-for-cause: A Nondestructive evaluation (NDE) and Fracture Mechanics-Based Maintenance Concept,” Nondestructive Evaluation: Microstructural Characterization and Reliability Strategies, ed. by O. Buck and S.M. Wolf, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, Pennsylvania, 1981, p. 53.
2. G. Dau, “NDE: In-depth Search for Flaws,” EPRI Journal 5 (July/August 1980).
3. A.G. Evans, “Non-Destructive Failure Prediction for Brittle Solids,” See book cited in ref. 1, p. 93.
4. W.L. Morris, M.R. James, and O. Buck, “Remaining Fatigue Lifetime Prediction for Retirement-for-Cause of Aluminum Alloys,” See book cited in ref. 1, p. 387.
5. R.K. Elsley, J.M. Richardson, R.B. Thompson, and B.R. Tittmann, “Comparison between Experimental and Computational Results for Elastic Wave Scattering,” Acoustic, Electromagnetic, and Elastic Wave Scattering-Focus on the T-matrix Approach, ed. by V.K. Varadan and V.V. Varadan, Pergamon Press, New York, 1980, p. 57.