1. Bulletin d'information;R. Favre,1985
2. Iványi, G., ‘Remarks to minimum reinforcement area in walls,’Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 90 (11) (1995) 283–289 (only available in German).
3. Stoffers, H., ‘Cracking due to shrinkage and temperature variation in walls’,Heron 23 (3) (1978) 5–68.
4. Nagy, A., ‘Cracking in reinforced concrete structures due to imposed deformations’, Doctoral Thesis, TVBK-1012, (Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden, 1997).
5. Harrison, T. A., ‘Early-age thermal crack control in concrete’, CIRIA Report 91, Revised edition (London, 1992).