1. See Tise Vahimagi, British Television: An Illustrated Guide, 2nd Edition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996), p. 29, for details of when the different ITV franchises began operating.
2. Andrew Crissell, An Introductory History of British Broadcasting (London: Routledge, 1997), p. 102.
3. See John Caughie, ‘Before the Golden Age: Early Television Drama’, in John Corner (ed.), Popular Television in Britain: Studios in Cultural History (London: BFI, 1991), p. 39.
4. Joan Hooley in Jim Pines, Black and White in Colour: Black People in British Television Since 1936 (London: BFI, 1992), pp. 99–100.
5. Marion Jordan, ‘Realism and Convention’, in Richard Dyer, Christine Geraghty, Marion Jordan, Terry Lovell, Richard Paterson and John Stewart, Coronation Street (London: BFI, 1981), p. 28.