1. Cabinet Office of Japan, Hyogo Earthquake Memorial 21st Century Research Institute (2000) Information packet of lessons in Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. http://www.iijnet.or.jp/kyoukun/eng/
2. Central Disaster Prevention Council, Cabinet Office of Japan (2003) Handout at the 8th Meeting of TF on Tonankai-Nankai Earthquake. (in Japanese)
3. Central Disaster Prevention Council, Cabinet Office of Japan (2002) Report of TF on Future Countermeasures Against Earthquakes. (in Japanese)
4. Central Disaster Prevention Council, Cabinet Office of Japan (2008) http://www.bousai.go.jp/ (in Japanese)
5. Disaster Emergency Message Dial (171) (2008) http://www.ntt-east.co.jp/saigai e/voice171/index.html