1. Bjørner, D.: Software systems engineering–from domain analysis to requirements capture: an air traffic control example. In: 2nd Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC ’95). IEEE Computer Society, 6–9 December 1995. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
2. Bjørner, D.: Domain models of “The Market” – in Preparation for e–transaction systems. In: Kilovm, H., Baclawski, K. (eds.) Practical Foundations of Business and System Specifications, Kluwer Academic Press, The Netherlands, December 2002.
3. Bjørner, D.: Dynamics of railway nets: on an interface between automatic control and software engineering. In: Tsugawa, S., Aoki, M. (eds.) CTS2003: 10th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, Oxford, UK, August 4–6 2003. Elsevier Science Ltd. Symposium held at Tokyo, Japan.
4. Bjørner, D.: New results and trends in Formal techniques for the development of software for transportation systems. In: Tarnai, G., Schnieder, E. (eds.) FORMS2003: Symposium on Formal Methods for Railway Operation and Control Systems. Institut für Verkehrssicherheit und Automatisierungstechnik, Techn.Univ. of Braunschweig, Germany, 15–16 May 2003. Conf. held at Techn.Univ. of Budapest, Hungary, Germany.
5. Bjørner, D.: Software Engineering, Vol.1: Abstraction and Modelling. Texts in Theoretical Computer Science, the EATCS Series. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, Germany (2006).