1. Second Book of Kings 4:29–37. The Jerusalem Bible. New York: Doubleday Co.; 1968:396–397.
2. Antyllus (117 AD) as cited by Paulus Aegenita (625–690 AD). In: Adams F. The Seven Books of Paulus Aegenita, vol 2, book 6. London: Syndemah Society; 1846:301.
3. Desault PJ. Oeuvre Chirurgicales. Expose de la Doctrine et de la Pratique de Desault; par Bichat. Paris; 1801:266–267.
4. Herholdt JD, Rafn CE. Life Saving Measures for Drowning Persons. Copenhagen: H. Tikiob; 1796:52, as cited by Gillespie NA. Endotracheal Anesthesia. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press; 1963:6.
5. Todres ID. History of pediatric critical care. In Fuhrman BP, Zimmerman JJ, eds. Pediatric Critical Care, 3rd ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2005:7–14.