1. V. Szebehely: Theory of orbits. The restricted problem of three bodies, Academic press 1967.
2. E.L. Stiefel, G. Scheifele: Linear and regular celestial mechanics, Springer 1971.
3. C.L. Siegel, J.K. Moser: Lectures on celestial mechanics, Springer 1971.
4. P. Kustaanheimo, E. Stiefel: Perturbation theory of Kepler motion based on spinor regularization, J.reine und angew. Math. 218, 1965, p. 204–219.
5. E. Stiefel, M. Rössler, J. Waldvogel, C.A. Burdet: Methods of regularization for computing orbits in celestial mechanics, NASA contractor report CR-769, 1967.