Body size in Batesian mimicry


Taylor Christopher H.ORCID


AbstractA variety of traits is available for predators to distinguish unpalatable prey from palatable Batesian mimics. Among them, body size has received little attention as a possible mimetic trait. Size should influence predator behaviour if it shows variation between models and mimics, is detectable by the predator in question, and is not overshadowed by other traits more salient to the predator. Simple predictions within mimetic populations are that perfect mimics receive the lowest predation rate. However, prey body size is typically tightly linked to the nutritional yield and handling time for a successful predator, as well as likely being correlated with a model’s levels of defence. In certain circumstances, these confounding factors might mean that (a) selection pressures on a mimic’s size either side of the model’s phenotype are not symmetrical, (b) the optimal body size for a mimic is not necessarily equal to that of the model, and/or (c) for predators, attacking better mimics of a model’s body size more readily is adaptive. I discuss promising avenues for improving our understanding of body size as a mimetic trait, including the importance of treatments that range in both directions from the model’s size. Further work is required to understand how body size ranks in saliency against other mimetic traits such as pattern. Comparative studies could investigate whether mimics are limited to resembling only models that are already similar in size.


Natural Environment Research Council


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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