1. R. L. Ingraham:Phys. Rev.,101, 1411 (1956).
2. In general allV 5-tensors transform like Poincaré tensors in indices μ, ν, ... and like Poincaré scalars in indices 5.
3. It would be desirable to derive a unified expression for all the_ℰ-generators on the second quantized field from the action principle as this was done for the spinor IURs, cf. eq. III (6.22).
4. In fact, the spin-0 fields cancel entirely out of the full (self-coupled) boson Lagrangian, cf. the remarks after eq. I (7).
5. SeeR. Adler, M. Bazin andM. Schiffer:Introduction to General Relativity, 2nd edition, Chap.9 (New York, N. Y., 1975), for a good exposition of this Weyl theory.