1. Agriculture Canada: 1978, The Canadian System of Soil Classification, 2nd ed., Publ. No. 1646, Research Br., Agric. Can., Ottawa, Ontario, 164 pp.
2. BajzakD.: 1973, ?Bio-physical land classification of the Lake Melville area, Labrador?, Infor. Rep. No. N-X-88, Can. For. Serv., Newfoundland Forest Research Centre, St. John's, Newfoundland, 115 pp.
3. BajzakD. and RobertsB.A.: 1996, ?Development of ecological land classification and mapping in support of forest management in northern Newfoundland, Canada?. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 39, 199?213 (this volume).
4. Canadian Soil Information System (CanSIS): 1993, ?Index of soil surveys in Newfoundland and Labrador?, Land Resources Division, Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research, Agriculture Canada, St. John's West Research Station, St. John's, Newfoundland, 8 pp.
5. Department of Forestry and Agriculture, Newfoundland Forest Service: 1992, Twenty Year Forestry Development Plan, 1990?2009, Newfoundland Forest Service, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, St. John's, Newfoundland, 133 pp.