1. A. M. Blinova, N. K. Saradzhev, and F. D. Sheikhon, Byull. Éksper. Biol., No. 4 (1963), p. 3.
2. A. M. Blinova, N. K. Saradzhev, and F. D. Sheikhon, Byull. Éksper. Biol., No. 6 (1964), p. 5.
3. B. S. Kulaev, In: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on the Electro-Physiology of the Nervous System [in Russian], Kiev (1960), p. 223.
4. B. S. Kulaev and T. S. Lagutina, In: Problems in the Physiology of the Autonomic Nervous System and Cerebellum [in Russian], Erevan (1964), p. 357.
5. T. S. Lagutina, Byull. Éksp. Biol., No. 1 (1959), p. 3.