1. W.J. Podbielniak. “Art of Refrigeration,” U.S. Patent 2,041,725 (1936).
2. A.P. Kleemenko, “One Flow Cascade Cycle (in schemes of natural gas liquefaction and separation),” International Institute of Refrigeration (1959), paper 1-a-6.
3. D.J. Missimer, “Auto-Refrigerating Cascade (ARC) Systems — an Overview,” Tenth Intersociety Cryogenic Symposium, AIChE Spring National Meeting (March, 1994).
4. W. A. Little and I. Sapozhnikov, “Low Cost Cryocoolers for Cryoelectronics,” Cryocoolers 9, Plenum Press, New York, 1997, p. 509.
5. M. Fuderer and A. Andrija, Verfahren zur Tiefkühling, German Patent 1426956 (1969).