1. CM. Lyneis, M. McAshan, and Nguyen Tuong Viet, Recent Measurements of S-Band and L-Band cavities at Stanford, Proc. 1972 Proton Linear Ace. Conf, 98 (Los Alamos 1972)
2. H. Piel, Diagnostic Methods of Superconducting Cavities and Identification of Phenomena, Proc. of the Workshop on RF Superconductivity, KfK Report 3019, 85 (Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe 19880)
3. G. Mueller, Diagnostic Techniques and Defect Classification, Proc. of 2. Workshop on RF Superconductivity, 377 (CERN 1984)
4. C. Reece, Progress in Diagnostic Techniques for SC Cavities, Proc. 3. Workshop on RF Superconductivity, Report ANL-Phy-88-l, 545 (Argonne Nat. Lab 1987)
5. H. Piel, Fundamental Features of Superconducting Cavities for High Energy Accelerators, Report WUB 86–14 (University of Wuppertal 1986)