1. William Adams & Daniel Shanks, “Strong primality tests that arc not sufficient,” Math. Conip., v. 39, 1982, pp. 255–300.
2. William Adams & Daniel Shanks, “Strong primality tcsts. Ii—Algcbraic identification of the p-adic limits and thcir implications.” (To appcar.)
3. H. Behnke & F. Sommer, Theorie der analytischen Funktionen einer complexen Veränderlichen, Springer, Berlin, 1965, viii + 603 pp.
4. Marvin I. Knopp, Modular Functions in Analytic Number Theory, Markham, Chicago, Ill., 1970, x + 150 pp.
5. Derrick H. Lehmer & Emma Lehmer, “Cyclotomy with short periods,” Math. Comp., v. 41, 1983, pp. 743–758.