1. D. G. Tucker, V. G. Welsby, and R. Kendall, “Electronic Sector Scanning, Brit: Inst. Radio Eng., 26, 465 (1958).
2. V. G. Welsby and J. R. Dunn, “A High-Resolution `Electronic Sector Scanning Sonar,” J. Brit. Inst. Radio Eng. 26, 205 (1963).
3. U. Tucker, “Near-Field Effects in Elect-onic Scanning Sonar,” J. Sound Vibe 8, 355 (1968)
4. V. G. W;~elsby, “Electronic Scanning of Focused arrays,” J. Sound Vib. 8 390 (1968)
5. V. G. Welsby, D. J. Creasey, and N. Barrickle, “Narrow Beam Focused Array for Electronically Scanned Sonar: Some Experimental Results,” J. Sound Vib. 30, 237 (1973).