1. V. K. Leko, Neorgan. Mater., 3:1224 (1967).
2. V. K. Leko, Neorgan. Mater., 3:1888 (1967).
3. V. K. Leko, Neorgan. Mater., 4:121 (1967).
4. W. Hinz, G. Solow, and G. Kranz, Silikattech., 16:210 (1965).
5. W. Vogel, in: The Glassy State, Proceedings of the Fourth All-Union Conference, Izd. Nauka, Moscow-Leningrad (1965), p. 108 [English translation: The Structure of Glass, Vol. 6, Consultants Bureau, New York (1966), p. 114].