1. See chapter by D. M. Kramsch, this publication.
2. B. Jacobson, Dichromatic absorption radiography. Dichromography, Acta. Radiol. 39:437 (1953).
3. E. Rubenstein, E.B. Hughes, L.E. Campbell, R. Hofstadter, R.L. Kirk, T.J. Krolocki, J.P. Stone, S. Wilson, H.D. Zeman, W.R. Brody, A. Macovski, A.C. Thompson, Synchrotron radiation and its application to digital subtraction, SPIE 314:42 (1981).
4. H. Winick, A. Bienenstock, Synchrotron radiation research, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci 28:33 (1978).
5. E.B. Hughes, H.E. Zeman, L.E. Campbell, R. Hofstadter, U. Meyer-Berkhout, J.N. Otis, J. Rolfe, J.P. Stone, S. Wilson, E. Rubenstein, D.C. Harrison, R. S. Kernoff, A.C. Thompson, and G.S. Brown, The application of synchrotron radiation to non-invasive angiography, Nuc. Instru. Methods Phys. Res. 208:665 (1983).