1. Alaska Geological Society, 1971, West to East Stratigraphic Correlation Section, Point Barrow to Ignek Valley, Arctic North Slope, Alaska, Anchorage: Alaska Geological Society.
2. Alaska Geological Society, 1972, Northwest to Southwest Stratigraphic Correlation Section, Prudhoe Bay to Ignek Valley, Arctic North Slope, Alaska, Anchorage: Alaska Geological Society.
3. Alaska Geological Society, 1977, North to South Stratigraphic Correlation Section, Beaufort Sea-Prudhoe Bay-Nora No. I, Arctic Slope, Alaska, Anchorage: Alaska Geological Society.
4. Alaska Glacial Map Committee, 1965, Map showing extent of glaciations in Alaska, U.S. Geol. Surv. Misc. Geol. Invest. Map I-415, scale 1:2, 500, 000.
5. Anonymous, 1970, Islands of eastern Siberia and the Chukchi Sea, in: Geologia SSSR, Tkachenko, B., and Egiazarov, B. Kh., eds., v. 26, p. 377–404.