1. J. Auslander, “On Stability of Closed Sets in Dynamical Systems,” Sem. Piff. Equat. Dynam. Syst., II, Lect. Notes Math. 144, Springer-Verlag, pp. 1–4, 1970.
2. J. Auslander, “Non-Compact Dynamical Systems, Recent Advances in Topological Dynamics,” Proc. Conf. Yale Univ., 1972, Lect. Notes Math. 318, Springer-Verlag, pp. 6–11, 1973.
3. J. Auslander, “Filter Stability in Dynamical Systems, Techn. Rep. TR 73–62, University of Maryland, Dept. of Math., 1973.
4. N. P. Bhatia, and G. P. Szegö, Stability Theory of Dynamical Systems, Springer, 1970.
5. D. Bushaw, “A Stability Criterion for General Systems,” Math. Syst. Theory, 1, pp. 79–88, 1967.