1. For an extensive recent review of this area, see J. D. Gunton, M. San Miguel and P. S. Sahni,in “Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena”, Vol. 8, C. Domb and J. L. Lebowitz, Eds., Academic Press, New York (1983) p. 267.
2. For more detailed discussions of this point and earlier literature, see e.g. K. Binder, Phys. Rev A29:341 (1984) and in “Condensed Matter Research Using Neutrons”, S. W. Lovesey and R. Scherm, Eds., Plenum, New York (1984) p. I.
3. E.g., this has been seen in Monte-Carlo simulations (K. ‘Binder, Solid State Comm 34:191 (1980)) and experiments on phase-separating fluid mixtures (W. I. Goldburg, private communication).
4. D. W. Heermann, Z.Phys . B55: 309 (1984).
5. K. Binder, Ann. Phys 98:390 (1976); R. Kretschmer, K. Binder and D. Stauffer, J..Stat. Phys 15:267 (1976). See also A. D. Bruce and D. J. Wallace, J. Phys A16:1721 (1983) and A. D. Bruce, preprints.