1. Dahlquist, C. A. Tack. Adhesion Fundamentals and Practice. McLaren, London, 1966.
2. Hammond, F. H. Jr. Polyken Probe Tack Tester. Adhesion. American Society for Testing and Metals Technical Publication No. 360, 1964.
3. Kraus, G., Rollmann, K. W., and Gray, R. A. Tack and Viscoelasticity of Block Copolymer Based Adhesives. J. Adhesion 10 (3): 221 (1979).
4. Test Methods for Pressure Sensitive Tapes. Pressure Sensitive Tape Council. Glenview, Ill.
5. Standard Test Method for Holding Power of Pressure Sensitive Tapes. ASTM D3654–78.